Saint Max Church

Youth Choirs

Youth Choirs

Children’s Choir (grades 4-8) 

CHOIR CAMP 2024: July 29 - August 1, 9:30 AM - Noon

The St. Max Children’s Choir is the first avenue with a focus on advancement and development of choral singing. Open to children in grades 4-8, their reading levels and ability to understand basic music theory gives us the opportunity to work on choral anthems and hymns that give harmony and parts to our singing. Dedication and discipline are necessary attributes of any effective choir member which allow us to prepare for liturgy more comprehensively. This level of expectation becomes more crucial in Children’s Choir.  Choir should always be an experience that is fun and rewarding, while understanding our role as ministers, not performers.

For more information, contact Ron Miller, Director of Music Ministry at 513-777-4322 x. 108 or

Register for Children's Choir and Choir Champ

Cherub Choir (grades 1-3) 

CHOIR CAMP 2024: July 29 - August 1, 9:30 AM - Noon

St. Max welcomes our youngest of angelic voices to start becoming immersed in liturgical singing. For grades 1-3, we work on basic reading, rhythm, and music notation, mostly in unison singing. As with all groups, leading the sung prayer of the assembly is the primary focus. At this age, finding our singing voice and tone (not speaking or shouting) is a continual work in progress.  As the year progresses we will work on simple anthems or parts of the Mass to raise our skill level. Along with the sound we make, we need to develop good habits in posture, sitting and standing still, holding our music, focus, and not being a distraction at liturgy.

For more information, contact Ron Miller, Director of Music Ministry at 513-777-4322 x. 108 or

Register for Cherub Choir and Choir Camp

High School Choir

The St. Max High School Choir is a low-commitment ensemble for our young people to have a place to sing and share their gifts with the comradery of their peers.  Our focus is the selected hymns and psalm for the Mass, adding harmony to support the assembly.  As time and participation allows we will prepare simple anthems or preludes that lend to young voices and appropriate for the liturgy.  

The High School Choir will sing on the 3rd Saturday of the month at the 4:30 pm Mass. Rehearsal precedes the Mass they sing at 3:15 pm-4:15 pm (with a few exceptions as published).  The High School Choir may lead one or two other special liturgies and/or in collaboration with another choir, which an additional rehearsal(s) may be necessary.  

*High School members are strongly encouraged to also sing with the Parish Choir as their schedule allows. This is an opportunity to advance their skills while lending to the growth and stability of the Parish Choir. It is the hope that our young people will transition fully to the Parish Choir as they become a young adult. 

For more information, contact Ron Miller, Director of Music Ministry at 513-777-4322 x. 108 or

Register for the High School Choir
