Saint Max Church

Lent us be the hands of Christ!

This past lent, we had a wonderful opportunity to help our brothers and sisters in Uganda, especially those with children attending ‘Holy Angels College’ secondary school. Thanks to your generous support, we will be assisting with the efforts of completing a new dormitory for the girls. Our parish involvement since 2018 has made a huge difference in the lives of many of our brother and sister families at St. Patrick parish Madera in Soroti, Uganda. Education is often the only means to live outside of poverty. Thank you again so very much!


Dormitory Construction | Holy Angels College | Soroti, Uganda

Dormitory to Provide Security for Girls

One of the reasons for dorms was due to children walking long distances when school let out. Parents were especially concerned about the girls being attacked, most importantly those walking longer distances into the night hours to return home. 

When the first dorms were completed, there was joy among the parents and students for this great gift. Due to the growth, they now have more girls wanting to attend school and they have used a makeshift classroom to accommodate them. 

Our goal will be to complete the dorm on the new property purchased by the bishop to resemble the ones currently in place. This will allow the girls to occupy the current boys’ dorm, which is bigger and furnish more beds for the growing population of girls.

Funds for Completion

The estimated cost for completion is $46,300.

144 students are able to occupy the new dorm. 

Cost per student or bed is approximately $322