Saint Max Church

Respect Life

All life is sacred from conception to natural death, witnessing to the Gospel of Life through action, education, and prayer. We focus on life issues such as abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, bioethical issues, capital punishment, end of life, human trafficking, and racism. We are dedicated to observing and promoting the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church on all pro life and ministry of care issues. The Respect Life Committee fundraises through bake sales, educates through speakers, prays the rosary outside the Women’s Health Center in Dayton weekly, prays the rosary outside Planned Parenthood in Hamilton once a month, and organizes activities throughout October, Respect Life month. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 7PM in room 5. Check the bulletin for our Pro-Life Corner and meeting times.

"In the name of God: respect, love and serve life. Every human life."